Empowering fish farmers in Africa and South East Asia

Through our products and services, Aquafort aims to enable small & medium fish farming enterprises and fish farmers in urban and rural areas, mainly in Africa and South East Asia. Millions of farmers are facing many challenges daily. From running and operating their farm, fish health and welfare, farm management, and financial bookkeeping to access to affordable sensors and feeders, farm analytics and automation, and a nationwide marketplace and distribution channels. Our products and services are specially designed to reduce farmers’ burden, costs, churn and farming complexity, improve the overall health of fish and operations, yield, and productivity and make it simple to cultivate and sell fish.

AquaFarm Farm Management App - Aquafort AI Inc.

Most comprehensive farm management tool in the palm of your hand

Digital Solutions - Aquafort Fish Farmers & Farming Community

Affordable and accurate environmental sensors, online and offline

Stacks of Fish - Aquafort Fish Farmers & Farming Community

Quick, simple, diverse, and inclusive marketplace at your fingertips

Digital Solutions - Aquafort Fish Farmers & Farming Community

Intelligent, accurate, and ever-learning predictive decision support